Post Climate Summit: From Collective Commitments to Action

Post Climate summit: from collective commitments to action

Tuesday, November 15, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm, SlidesBuilding Actions Exercise 


It was the second time this year that we gathered together in person. We reflected on the success of the Climate Summit for San Mateo County, which brought forth commitments to equitable climate adaptation from community organizations, government, funders, and community members. It was the right moment to turn stated commitments into action.

We will use the foundation of the collective commitments made at the Climate Summit and develop actionable strategies for realizing them. Our strategy building focused on the following topics:

  • Education

  • Relationships and Power Dynamics

  • Funding and Resources

  • Policy

  • Government Structure and Practices

Each of these topics was set up in a large notepad at different areas of the CZI community space. Everyone who attended was divided into groups of no more than five individuals to come up with barriers and opportunities for each topic. Groups were given a certain amount of time and would rotate through each topic around the room. The second part of the exercise was to devise actions to break down barriers or take on opportunities. At the end of the action-building exercise, each group had the opportunity to share the actions they came up with. The larger goal for these ideas was to share them with our Environment & Sustainability Program Committee to develop the main theme further, which will influence the second annual Climate Summit.