Our Mission

Thrive Alliance’s mission is to promote and support the nonprofit sector that is a major contributor to the economic and social health of San Mateo County.


A thriving network of nonprofit, government, business and community leaders with a shared commitment to strengthening the nonprofit sector, thereby improving the quality of life in our community. 

Thrive brings nonprofit organizations serving San Mateo County together to provide a strong voice for and about the vital work performed by the nonprofit sector. We work together to enhance and sustain the quality of community life on the San Francisco Peninsula. 



Provides timely collaboration, resources, and networking


Promotes opportunities to share services, data, experiences, and resources


Increases awareness and understanding of the nonprofit sector and amplifying important community voices


Provides opportunities for honoring and recognizing crucial impact across sectors


Facilitates issue-based meetings, nonprofit capacity building, workshops and conferences, and community engagement opportunities



In 2000, a group of leaders from the nonprofit sector formed the San Mateo County Council of Nonprofits to promote collaboration and speak collectively with a stronger, unified voice on behalf of the sector. Since then, membership in the organization has grown to more than 200 nonprofits, business, government and community leaders.

With a service grant from Taproot Foundation, the Council in 2004 renamed itself as Thrive - The Alliance of Nonprofits for San Mateo County and launched a new brand to better represent its vision of transforming the nonprofit sector in order to help improve the overall quality of life in San Mateo County.