policy and advocacy: Groups and Committees
Thrive action groups (tags)
Thrive Action Groups (TAGs) provide the opportunity to have in-depth cross-sector discussions with a narrow focus on specific issue areas. In keeping with our core value of collaboration, our TAGs, committees, and events are typically co-chaired or co-sponsored by member organizations. We invite you to participate in our Thrive Action Groups, our Special Initiatives work, and our convenings and trainings. Meetings are open to anyone in the community, but you must register.

Anchored by Nadine Rambeau, the Arts & Culture TAG creates a unique opportunity for arts organizations to learn from each other and to collaborate. Thrive has also created opportunities and training for arts advocacy.

Anchored by Stacey Hawver and Rita Mancera, the Immigrant & Worker’s Rights TAG is focusing its efforts on redistricting and voting, in addition to advocating and educating on current issues affecting immigrants.

Anchored by Laura Bent and Aubrey Merriman, the Basic Needs & Safety Net TAG identifies and works toward solutions in areas of concern across a wide range of interrelated issues including mental health, healthcare, housing, seniors, and food security.

Anchored by Heather Cleary, the Children & Education TAG works toward universal access to affordable quality early learning, preschool, and family engagement programs linked to quality inclusive K-12 school systems.

Our members at large are Georgie Farooq, Bryan Neider, Melissa Platte, and Miriam Yupanqui.