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San Mateo Youth Chapter of Citizens Climate Lobby: Students for a Carbon Fee & Dividend Rally

San Mateo Youth Chapter of Citizens Climate Lobby: Students for a Carbon Fee & Dividend Rally

The San Mateo Youth Chapter of Citizens Climate Lobby invites you to join them for a march and rally at San Mateo Central Park, to show support for Carbon Fee and Dividend legislation at both the state and federal level.

Rally speakers include:

  • California State Senator Josh Becker

  • Speaker of the California Assembly Kevin Mullin

  • San Mateo County Supervisor Dave Pine

  • San Mateo Deputy Mayor Rick Bonilla

  • CCL San Mateo Youth Lead Roisin McElarney

  • Woodside High School Youth Activist Claudia Nolasco

  • Carlmont High School Youth Activist Aran O’Sullivan

Activities and information tables hosted by environmental and climate activist organizations include:

Note: The march begins at 2:00 pm led by student activists and accompanied by members of the Stanford Marching Band. The rally kicks-off at 3:00 pm. For information on participation contact