Election Education toolkit

Thrive’s Election Education Toolkit strives to spread election information so that nonprofit leaders can train their staff to educate their communities about elections at local meetings and informal gatherings. This toolkit aims to amplify and strengthen voter outreach and education in traditionally less engaged communities because of a lack of knowledge about the process and the systems by offering a simple-to-use toolkit to community leaders. We partner with local nonprofits to distribute educational materials, such as brochures and flyers, and swag, like pins and stickers. The model includes stipends for CBOs to participate.

thrive civil advocacy initiatives

other resources

Voter Education Materials and Swag

We offer our educational materials in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Filipino.


Election data and resources

These resources were compiled by the community and the elections office.

The following graphs indicate the days that votes were cast, with date on the x-axis and number of votes on the y-axis. This is intended to inform voter outreach and engagement efforts. Data is available for the 2020 primary and general, the 2022 general, and the 2024 primary.

Data for the 2020 General Election is available here:


Ballot Initiatives pros and cons presented by the league of women voters