membership overview
Thrive is a robust, trusted network of 200+ nonprofit organizations, government entities, foundations, businesses, and community leaders with a shared commitment to strengthening the nonprofit sector, thereby improving the quality of life in San Mateo County. Whether you're an individual, a nonprofit organization, a local corporation, or a public sector partner, you can make a difference in our network.
core Membership Benefits
Complementary features on our community newsletters: Thrive Weekly and our website
Post jobs on our weekly Job Board newsletter and on our website
Opportunities to connect with nonprofit, philanthropic, business, & civic leaders
Employee recruitment and development
Policy and Advocacy opportunities and support
Exclusive member discounts and benefits
Support your organization in building and maintaining catalytic agents of change in your board, team, and network
Help your grantees develop their ideal board and connect with cross- sector leaders as you broaden your foundation’s network