Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits: Activate Your Impact: A Nonprofit Policy Webinar Series-Session 5: Seeking Equity in the COVID-19 World — Thrive, The Alliance of Nonprofits for San Mateo County
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Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits: Activate Your Impact: A Nonprofit Policy Webinar Series-Session 5: Seeking Equity in the COVID-19 World

Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits: Activate Your Impact: A Nonprofit Policy Webinar Series-Session 5: Seeking Equity in the COVID-19 World

Join Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits for Seeking Equity in the COVID-19 World, a panel discussion moderated by Jenny Niklaus, Chief Impact Officer at American Leadership Forum Silicon Valley.

Featuring: Alison Brunner, CEO, Law Foundation of Silicon Valley; Poncho Guevara, Executive Director, Sacred Heart Community Service; Zulma Maciel, Director, Office of Immigrant Affairs, City of San José; Derecka Mehrens, Executive Director, Working Partnerships USA.

Registration Fee: SVCN Member $30.00, Non-Member $35.00

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Jenny Niklaus, is the Chief Impact Officer at American Leadership Forum Silicon Valley. She has a 25+ year record of impact based work in a variety of service based nonprofits in Santa Clara County. She has worked with women and children who were victims of violence, those living in poverty and seniors. Prior to coming to ALF as its Chief Impact Officer, Jenny was the CEO of HomeFirst Services. Jenny is a certified yoga teacher and mindfulness practitioner and serves on the leadership team for the Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits.