Menlo Park Community Collaboration Session (In Person or Via Zoom)
You are invited to attend a Menlo Park Community Collaboration Session. This month’s topic will cover the environmental justice and safety element and will be led by Climate Resilient Communities, Juanita Croft from the Belle Haven Community Development Fund, and Pam D. Jones, with Belle Haven Empowered.
Food and $25 gift cards will be provided to each in-person attendee and the event will be presented in English and Spanish. Participants can join either in person or via Zoom.
Zoom Information:, Meeting ID: 862 8992 7086
One tap mobile: +16694449171,,86289927086#
Conventional dial: +1 669 444 9171 US, Meeting ID: 862 8992 7086
For any questions please reach out to Marlene Santoyo with Menlo Spark.