Grief and Loss: an Art Based Approach
When you experience a loss there is a natural grieving process that can take some time to complete. The cause of grief can be as obvious as losing a loved one through death, divorce or legal action, or as elusive as a lost opportunity or a move away from a familiar environment.
In the Grief and Loss Group we provide a safe environment to explore the five states of grief that are commonly identified: Denial, Bartering, Anger, Depression and Acceptance. These may occur in any order and can continue to cycle as the grief is processed. This will be an opportunity to explore any unresolved grief and loss issues through the creative arts in a safe environment, facilitated by a board certified, registered art therapist. All levels of artistic experience are welcome, from no experience to self-identified artist.
Cost: $15.00-$25.00 sliding scale. No one turned away for lack of funds.
Submitted by: Arts Unity Movement