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California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI): Local Volunteer and Donations Management & Management of Spontaneous Volunteers in Disasters (G288/489)

California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI): Local Volunteer and Donations Management & Management of Spontaneous Volunteers in Disasters (G288/489)

Join California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI) for their upcoming training courses.

  1. Local Volunteer and Donations Management (G288): This course provides strategies for managing volunteers, donations and cash before, during, and after a disaster. Content also includes how to identify resources for volunteers and donations management.

  2. Management of Spontaneous Volunteers in Disasters (G489): This course provides information on how to identify issues and challenges with managing spontaneous volunteers. Content includes elements of a spontaneous volunteer management plan and best practices to manage spontaneous volunteers. Participants will learn how to develop and implement a spontaneous volunteer management plan.

Course Length: 16 hours.

Note: The course informational flyer can be accessed here.