Children & Education Past Meetings — Thrive, The Alliance of Nonprofits for San Mateo County

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January 26, 2023 Meeting: Funding Streams & Partnerships in Education

Join us for a conversation with Rubie Acosta Macaraeg, Expanded Learning and Community Partnerships Coordinator, and Niambi Clay, Executive Director of Equity, Social Justice and Inclusion with the San Mateo County Office of Education about: Expanded learning and community partnerships funding streams How to leverage current state initiatives to develop strong partnerships between community-based organizations and school districts What SMCOE's role is and what it offers providers We will also reflect on and build on the success of September's Summit of Education Leaders on Partnerships in Education.

August 11, 2022 Meeting: Childcare and Out-of-School Grant Programs Updates

The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors has approved two grant programs which will allocate $4M for childcare centers and family day care home providers and $2.5M for out-of-school care providers. This information session featured hot-off-the-press guidance directly from the San Mateo County Manager’s Office.

June, 2022 Meeting: Moving From Theoretical Policies to Action

During the Candidate Forum on Children's Issues in May, many interesting ideas were proposed. During this Children & Education TAG, we discussed how some of these ideas would impact community-based organizations (CBOs) and youth in San Mateo County and reflected on what effective collaboration looks like between CBOs and the San Mateo County Office of Education. Here are some questions that got us thinking: How can we bridge the gap between thought and action? What are the wins and challenges of past partnerships? What does the ideal relationship between the County and CBOs look like?

March, 2022 Meeting: Building the Pipeline for Out-of-School-Time Staff & Teachers

Explore with us the way to develop a diverse pipeline into our work. How are we: - creating a diverse pipeline of individuals interested in the education field - building opportunities and inspiring the next generation of teachers and educational leaders - promoting our work as a career path for some and as a steppingstone for others - collaborating to build opportunities to create robust and thoughtful approaches to hiring and retention And how else can we accomplish these goals? This was an opportunity to hear updates from the County on funding as well as other expanded learning opportunities. This session was moderated by Paitra Houts, Director of Community Engaged Learning - Education, Stanford University.

Children & Education Past Events & Meetings

February, 2022 Meeting: Building Relationships

Thrive hosted a virtual meet & greet with Rubie Macaraeg, the Coordinator of Expanded Learning and Community Partnerships with the San Mateo County Office of Education. We had an opportunity to learn about this new role and organizations had an opportunity to share who they are and their plans. Rubie also updated us on ELO-P and Community Schools Partnership state grants, and we discussed partnering with the County moving forward,We also heard an update on ARPA funding from the County.

January, 2022 Meeting: ARPA and State ELO Funding

With so many new funding opportunities for Extended Learning, the education community has a number of questions: what is coming, how does one access this funding, what are the gaps, and where are opportunities for collaboration? This meeting served as an informational session, conversation, and brief Q & A around funding. The County updated us on ARPA funding, and Karin K. Huber-Levy (she/her/hers), Commissioner, San Mateo County Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Commission presented an overview of their research on specifics of after-school programs in the County and potential funding, with an emphasis on underserved populations.

October, 2021 Meeting: Taking A Culturally-Responsive Approach to Student's Social-Emotional Learning

In this session, Thrive invited Meghan McDoniel, Postdoctoral Fellow with the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University, for a presentation on some of the preliminary work from an ongoing study evaluating a social-emotional curriculum. We also discussed the most pressing needs for students this year, and relate the early findings back to what all adults can do to support students’ social-emotional needs, and held space to share about organizations and their own social-emotional learning programs, and hear from peers. 

We were also be joined by Joshua D.S. Brady, M.Ed., Education Administrator - Expanded Learning Division, California Department of Education, who lead us through information regarding Expanded Learning Opportunities Program funding in AB130, how you can access current funding opportunities, and a brief Q & A.

June, 2021 Meeting: Looking Forward to Fall -Exploring Opportunities for Partnership and Shared Learning

This meeting covered the many pressing questions regarding Fall programming, i.e., What are the needs and how can we best address them? Where are there available resources and opportunities for partnership? What training and what evaluation tools will you be using? How can a collective partnership serve the needs of the providers and the students?

May, 2021 Meeting: Funding Sources for Expanded Learning Programs & How to Apply

This session focused primarily on funding opportunities for expanded learning programs. We also dedicated plenty of time for participants to compare notes with peers on the complicated search for funding and other current concerns for providers. Featuring: Jennifer I. Dietrich, Director of Policy, Partnership for Children & Youth.

April, 2021 Meeting: Student-Focused Partnerships - Strengthening Communications Among Schools, Out-of-School-Time Providers and Families

This meeting highlighted best practices in supporting students through positive communication between providers and schools. During this meeting we heard from the Learning Hub network of Marin Promise Partnership as well as a local school-hub partnership. We also heard from San Mateo County Superintendent Nancy Magee for a conversation on strengthening this critical relationship to benefit our youth. This event concluded with a special demonstration from local provider Fit Kids, which offers Learning Hubs a free add-on program to keep their students moving. 

This series is made possible through the generous support of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

Partners: Community Equity CollaborativeCounty of San Mateo; InPlayOffices of Supervisors Carole Groom and Dave PineSan Mateo County Office of EducationStanford Haas Center for Public Service.

March, 2021 Meeting: Learning Hubs Initiative Updates and Success Stories

This meeting focused on updates from the Learning Hub Initiative from Heather Hopkins of the Community Equity Collaborative, and Linda Wolin, Senior Legislative Aide to Supervisor Dave Pine. We also had a special guest, Tim Garvin, President & CEO, United Way of Central Massachusetts. Tim shared insights from the successful Worcester Remote Learning Hub Collaborative, a model with 10 licensed providers and 95 classrooms that provides stability for 1000+ students.