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Public Charge & COVID-19 Live Conversation with ILRC Attorney

  • To join the call via phone dial: +1-669-900-6833 or Via Zoom:, Meeting ID: 431 831 405 (map)

Public Charge & COVID-19 Live Conversation with ILRC Attorney

The Office of Community Affairs Immigrant Services is hosting a virtual conversation with ILRC's attorney Erin Quinn about Public Charge and the changes amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. This virtual conversation is geared towards residents and community leaders who may have questions or concerns about Public Charge, especially in regards to preventing or treating COVID-19.

Topics of discussion will include:

  • News from USCIS regarding the Public Charge rule and COVID-19

  • Who is affected by the public charge rule?

  • Can immigrants or undocumented individuals seek medical care without affecting their current or future immigration case?

  • What resources are available for immigrants?

For more information visit: or call (650) 363-1800


Submitted by: Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center