Nonprofits and the County’s COVID-19 Recovery Plan: A Stakeholder Engagement Session — Thrive, The Alliance of Nonprofits for San Mateo County
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Nonprofits and the County’s COVID-19 Recovery Plan: A Stakeholder Engagement Session

Nonprofits and the County’s COVID-19 Recovery Plan: A Stakeholder Engagement Session

San Mateo County, in response to the COVID-19 crisis, created a strategic draft plan for the long-term recovery: SMC Recovery Initiative. Thrive hosted a virtual community conversation to give nonprofits the opportunity to review and provide input on the draft.

The County presented the detailed SMC COVI-19 Recovery Plan. Then the County was able to hear 8 local nonprofits who detailed gaps within the County's plan, implementation insights, and current challenges within their core fields of: Workforce Development; Digital Divide and Educational Access for Families; Mental Health, Housing, Homelessness, and Seniors; and Child Care. Attendees also had the opportunity to note issue areas in need of additional support, including: The Arts; Children & Adults with Disabilities; COVID-19 Testing; Education; Transportation; Green Jobs; and Environment & Sustainability. The next steps for implementation and measuring the progress of the plan were also discussed.