League of Women Voters: Sea Level Rise, Erosion, and Flooding on the San Mateo County Pacific Coastline
The Leagues of Women Voters of North & Central San Mateo and South San Mateo County are pleased to host the sixth online forum in their series of discussions on Building Resiliency for a Changing Climate in partnership with OneShoreline. Public participation is encouraged to discuss how sea-level rise, erosion, and flooding will affect the San Mateo County coastline including Pacifica, Half Moon Bay, Pescadero, La Honda and other communities. Climate change will affect residents, businesses, community services, and infrastructure we all rely on for healthy and safe communities.
Featuring: Debbie Ruddock, Half Moon Bay Vice Mayor and San Mateo County Flood and Sea Level Rise Resiliency District (OneShoreline) Board Vice Chair; Don Horsley, San Mateo County Supervisor and OneShoreline Board Member; Len Materman, CEO, OneShoreline; Ryan Marquez, Associate Civil Engineer, City of Pacifica; Jim Pruett, General Manager, San Mateo County Harbor District; John Doughty, Public Works Director, City of Half Moon Bay; Isabel Parés Ramos, Resource Conservation Specialist, San Mateo County Office of Sustainability; Kellyx Nelson, Executive Director, San Mateo Resource Conservation District.