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Community Foundation of San Carlos: 21 Day Social & Racial Equity Challenge

Community Foundation of San Carlos: 21 Day Social & Racial Equity Challenge

Sat, October 1 to Fri, October 21

Join Community Foundation of San Carlos for their upcoming 21-Day Social & Racial Equity Challenge. This 21-Day Social & Racial Equity Challenge is a powerful opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of how inequity and racism affect our lives and our community. During this time, you, along with countless other community members, commit to deepening your understanding of and willingness to confront racism, bias, and other social inequities.

  • Community members can participate as individuals or as a part of a workplace, place of worship, professional association, book club, or more.

  • Daily topics include Understanding Bias, School Inequality, Intersectionality, Building a Culture of Equity, and many more.

  • Challenges include links to recommended articles, videos, podcasts, reflections, and more.

Over a hundred community members and organizations participated in this challenge in 2021. See the 2021 alumni list here. Community Foundation of San Carlos encourages you and your networks to go on this journey together to elevate our joint understanding.

Note: This is a program that was designed to be repeated and taken with fellow community members.