Chan Zuckerberg Initiative: Getting Back to Work(Spaces): A 3-Step Plan
Many of us are envisioning a return to physical workplaces after prolonged absences necessitated by the global pandemic. We’ve adapted to working remotely while vying with our families and roommates for coveted wi-fi. Surely returning to familiar workspaces will be easier, or will it? Join CZI and Nonprofit HR for a session addressing the return to physical workspaces.
This session will:
Address compliance and safety requirements aligned with returning to physical workspaces
Incorporate tactical and operational considerations related to hybrid return-to-work models
Explore strategic opportunities to re-calibrate organizational culture, advance equity and embrace inclusiveness as staff may or may not return to “brick and mortar” work locations
Featuring: Nonprofit HR Strategy & Advisory Senior Consultant Lisa Wright Ponce and Strategy & Advisory Consultant Lisa A. Smith.