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Center for Excellence in Nonprofits (CEN): Preventing Burnout - Self-Care in a Selfless Sector

Center for Excellence in Nonprofits (CEN): Preventing Burnout - Self-Care in a Selfless Sector

Workplace stress is unavoidable, especially in the nonprofit sector where compassion fatigue runs rampant and we see high rates of turnover and burnout year after year. Ultimately, the industry and institutions must do a better job of caring for their employees. While CEN continues the fight for organizational and systemic change, they also recognize the immediate need for external resources and support for you, the individuals working within these dysfunctional systems.

This course provides space and tools to help you lean in without burning out. Participants will join in productive conversations that explore new strategies and coping skills while gaining tangible resources to identify workplace stressors, end self-deprecating talk, build communicative workplace structures, and calmly deal with change at any level in an organization. As a result of this session, participants will be better equipped to effectively manage daily upsets, foster healthy relationships with coworkers and clients, and increase happiness and satisfaction in day-to-day work life.