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2020 California Citizens Redistricting Commission: Communities of Interest (COI) Input Meeting

2020 California Citizens Redistricting Commission: Communities of Interest (COI) Input Meeting

Join the 2020 California Citizens Redistricting Commission for its first Communities of Interest (COI) Input Meeting. Your input is vital to the success of the Commission and they are asking all interested parties to sign up to provide public testimony and describe your community.

While there are no clear rules on how to define a community of interest, below is a suggested outline:

  • Begin with your county or city.

  • Mention the street names and significant locations in your neighborhood to help us identify the parameters of your community.

  • What are your shared interests?

  • What brings you together?

  • What is important to your community?

  • Are there nearby areas you want to be in a district with?

  • Nearby areas you don't want to be in a district with? Why or why not?

  • Has your community come together to advocate for important services, better schools, roads, or health centers in your neighborhood?